Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guess What!

I got my learners licence YAY

and um... FINALLY!

Okay. I'm done. Have a whole lotta new websites for you to enjoy:

Asian Goodness:

Art Tutorials:
Character Design
Figure Drawing
Pose Collection
Pixiv (this site is in Japanese)
Pose Training

Design Inspiration

Also: WTF:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Decode Live!

Love this:

<a href=";from=sp&amp;vid=ecd28456-a666-4177-b247-8a0ac43c7164" target="_new" title="MTV Unplugged | Paramore: &#145;Decode&#146;">Video: MTV Unplugged | Paramore: &#145;Decode&#146;</a>

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Yay new Layout/Banner thingy C:

I sent this post in last night and for some reason it didn't post D:
Stupid blogspot lol