Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Movie Review. Help

Is the world in which you are living in now what you think it is? Life as you know it will change after riding The Matrix wave. This revolutionary, mind-blowing film will distort your perception on reality.

The Wachowski Brothers Andy and Larry have outdone themselves since their debut film titled “Bound”. The Matrix brings a whole new light to the science fiction (or sci-phi due to its many philosophical allusion) genre.

The year is 1999, and Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves) is a business man by day, hacker by night. He leads a double life. Neo is soon contacted by a man named Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), who tells him about “The Matrix-the world that revolves around him isn’t the truth-it isn’t real.  Of course, the only way for Neo to learn more about The Matrix and to uncover what is real, is for him to experience it for himself. With that, Neo is forced to make a decision, make a choice between two lifestyles- “You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes”

With Neo choosing the latter, the audience falls into an escapade of what this “Matrix” business is all about- an artificial intelligence system that controls people’s minds into thinking that they are experiencing reality, when really they are being used as a disposable energy source for AI itself- a human battery. To Morpheus, Neo is humankind’s saviour, messianic figure-“The One” who can restore humanity’s freedom. Of course, all of this information is just a tad overwhelming (to say the least) for Neo, who doesn’t believe in any of it, but Morpheus is determined to show him the truth…

Unlike other science-fiction movies, The Matrix was able to grasp my attention-and have a firm grip on it too. The Matrix is one of the greatest movies effects-wise of its time; for the Wachowski Brothers to seize the bullet time technology-and for them to pull it off well- is just one of the many aspects that makes The Matrix visually stunning. The fast-paced plot is matched with its fast-paced action-there is never a dull moment for the eyes throughout The Matrix. With numerous martial arts kinetics...

Hidden within the almost “decoyed” action sequences comes a deeper meaning for The Matrix. This film is chock-full of religious references
Keanu Reeves embraces the character of Neo/Thomas Anderson. He is able to conform to the ever-growing character of Neo.
Whilst the character of Neo was clearly developed throughout “The Matrix”, I felt as though the other characters were at a bit of a stand-still. Take the character of Trinity for example, who is...

In my opinion, this is the sort of movie that teenagers should refer to watching in the future rather than any overly-clichéd vampire romances which lack morals and well thought out plots.

I believe if you haven’t seen The Matrix already, you are really missing out on a fantastic, revolutionary sci-fi thriller.
 In this film’s case, Ignorance really isn’t bliss.