Thursday, September 17, 2009

I have a page of manga for you :)

Well...a couple of pages...Its not very goo though *shoe'd*

Its called Supernatural Six and it is a bout 6 teenage girls who have ahem...elemental powers.
Unfortunately, 5 of the six have become possessed.

Read on...and sorry if it sucks....

Also...On a completely different note...I will be adding a new layout for the blog..soonish I hope.

And sorry for the overuse of ...'s I can't help myself xD

1 comment:

  1. HEEEYY Ange/Yas [oh whatever] nice blog your going [def making a linky to yours on mine] I don't remember you showing me the manga before....
    Its good! [just I don't really get the story. Sylvia FAILS]
