Friday, July 23, 2010

Its Meme...Well its not Monday...but its close.

Random Meme #49283523.333

I'm a Mammary gland. What is that?

You will be disturbed, like how I am right now. xD xD xD
I lol'd though.

[x] - You like cheese.

[x] - You hate peanuts.

[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.

[x] - You have farted today. xDDDD

[x] - You have choked on something.

[ ] - You are a writer.

[ ] - You smoke.

[x] - You like to swim. (Its OK I suppose)

[x] - You have farted more than once today. (ITS NORMAL OKKAAAAY)

[x] - You like ice cream. (I guess. I prefer Sorbet though)


[x] - You have lied more than 10 times. (I'm SORRY OK? lol.)

[ ] - You are an only child.

[ ] - You have more than 3 pets.

[x] - You prefer water to other drinks. (I'm used to it nao)

[ ] - You are an alcoholic. (Who, sweet innocent me??? jk)

[x] - You are under 20 years old.

[ ] - You are over 30 years old.

[ ] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. (NOT ANYMOAR)

[x] - You like jewelry.

[x] - Your favorite music genre is rock.


[ ] - You weigh more than 140 lbs.

[ ] - You like pirates.

[x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something. (Woop Woop POKEMANS. And IKUTO ftw)


[x] - You take a prescription drug every day.

[ ] - You have a job. (There are currently NO jobs available for teens down here. Trust me.)

[ ] - You live with your parents.


[ ] - You have a religion.

[ ] - You dress stranger than other people.


[ ] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks.

[x] - You have eaten something odd before. (I probably have in my life)

[x] - You are bad at math.

[x] - You love electronics.

[x] - Someone/something has pissed you off in the past week. (Yep. All. The. Time.)

[x] - You cuss a lot. (Ehe...@&*$#*!!!!)

[x] - You believe in aliens. (Not necessarily aliens...but out of ALL the planets in the entire freaking UNIVERSE, Earth can't possible be the only one with living things on it. That's just my theory anyway)

[x] - You play video games.

[x] - You have low self-esteem.

[x] - You carry a purse.


[x] - You like flowers.

[ ] - You are bisexual or homosexual

[ ] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio.

[ ] - You have used tarot before.

[x] - You believe in ghosts. (Kindaaa)

[ ] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome. (WTH is that?)

[ ] - You like ~Fotus9's horoscopes better than *An-Unsure-Thing's.

[ ] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny.

[ ] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right.

[ ] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight.


[x] - You like fire. (When its not burning you house down [or your toaster] then, sure, why not)

[x] - You have fainted or passed out before.

[ ] - You have a high school diploma.

[ ] - You live in America.

[ ] - You use hand sanitizer a lot. (It smells funky...)

[ ] - You consider yourself a nerd. (STEREOTYPES SUCK MA BA- Sylvia: AHEM! Angel: Soz)

[ ] - You have tried chewing tobacco.

[ ] - You are a conspiracy theorist.

[ ] - You sleep in the nude.

[x] - You will tag people to do this. (MWAHAHAHAAAAA)


[x] - You have imagined yourself being famous. (It's nice to dreeeeeam. But I wouldn't want to be thought)

[x] - You own a stuffed animal.

[x] - You like watermelon.

[ ] - You live in Europe.

[x] - You have a fetish for something.

[x] - You fidget a lot.

[x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything.

[x] - You won't re-post this quiz.

[x] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one. (No internetz though)

[ ] - You have a brother.


[] - You can cook well. (I set the TOASTER on fire. Nuff said)

[x] - You like to party. (FUN.)

[x] - You are a bad dancer. (Probably)

[ ] - You are a professional dancer.

[x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat. (ALL the time)

[x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy. (YAH coughHOLLYcough lol)

[x] - You have under 10 good, close friends.

[xxxxx] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz. (I wanna seeee)

[x] - You have run away from something.

[ ] - You have watched the movie: "X Men 3".


[x] - You like to mix soft drinks together.

[ ] - You have done an odd experiment.

[x] - People have stared at you oddly in public. (When I was in Sylvia Park and someone chucked my slushie away, I "fell" to my knees in a dramatic manner and shouted "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

[x] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive.

[ ] - You have a step-mom or dad.

[ ] - You hate to be tagged. (It gives me something to do)

[] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months.

[ ] - You have a dA subscription. (I wish)

[x] - Your hair is brown.

[ ] - You love to eat candy. (BAD CANDY BAD)


[x] - You have dressed up for Halloween.

[x] - You love cats.

[x] - You have a quirky personality. (Ish?)

[] - You are a coffee addict.

[] - You live near a body of water.

[x] - You have had a toothache.

[] - You currently have to go to the bathroom. (Suprisingly, no)

[x] - You like reading others' answers to "What would you do?".

[] - You use the term: "Epic Fail".


Find your score & re-post this titled as "I'm __, ______________". (Put your answer in the blank.)

0-25 = A spaceship.
26 = Corn.
27 = The Chosen One.
28 = A donkey.
29 = Flashlight.
30 = Weed.
31 = Stalker.
32 = Poodle.
33 = A turd.
34 = Pacifier.
35 = Chili.
36 = A continent.
37 = Bamboo.
38 = A Nissan Skyline.
39 = Pedophile.
40 = A rather large and smelly fish.
41 = Parachute.
42 = Mob of angry sheep.
43 = A clone of yourself.
44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler.
45 = Pincushion.
46 = Toilet seat.
47 = Ninja.
48 = Psycho passion fruit.
49 = Yellow snow.
50 = Flammable.
51 = A poison Easter basket.
52 = A dirty diaper.
53 = Mammary gland.
54 = A moose humping a guardrail.
55 = An illegal immigrant.
56 = Tofu.
57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz.
58 = Staple gun.
59 = Tail feather.
60 = A white rapper.
61 = A shotgun shell.
62 = Sexy as hell.
63 = A popcorn fart.
64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle.
65 = Fortune cookie.
66 = Barack Obama.
67 = Chinchilla.
68 = Weapon of mass destruction.
69 = An epic failure at everything.
70 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale.
71 = Naughty nymphomaniac.
72 = Bicycle tire.
73 = Sweat.
74 = The Bubonic Plague.
75 = Turkey.
76 = Amoeba.
77 = A lice-infected hobo.
78 = The ruler of all evil.
79 = Horny toad.
80 = Fairy Godmother.
81 = Tuba.
82 = Anorexic llama capillary.
83 = Moldy snot.
84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe.
85 = Doppelganger.
86 = Future porn star.
87 = Unnatural disaster.
88 = Statistical database.
89 = Genital lice.
90 = Rocket launcher.
91 = Ruby vomit.
92 = Maggot.
93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.
94 = Pudding.
95 = A gravy train.
96 = Santa Claus.
97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.
98 = Decaying insect corpse.
99 = Blood bank.
100 = Freak of nature and humanity.

10 Favourites
• Favourite Colour: Blue
• Favourite Food: Sweet food. Or Sushi.
• Favourite Band artist: Paramore
• Favourite Show: Idk.
• Favourite Sport: SHOPPING
• Favourite Season: Autumn
• Favourite Day Of the Week: Saturday.
• Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry plz
• Favourite Time of Day: Morning
• Favourite Activities: Drawing, Shopping, muuuusic

9 Currents
• Current Mood: Sleepy.
• Current Taste: Maple Syrup. I know. WTF.
• Current Clothes: Leather Jacket, Skinny Jeans, New York T shirt.
• Current Computer: Ummm...Windows XP??
• Current Finger/Toenail Colour: Purple Sparkly
• Current Time: 4:53 PM
• Current Surroundings: Lounge.
• Current Annoyance(s): Alannah
• Current Thought: What answer should I put here?

8 Firsts
• First Best Friend: Soley
• First crush this school year: NOT TELLING
• First Screen Name: I dunno, probably like yasmin4358749323 on Neopets or something when I was like 8
• First Pet: Sapphire my pet Cat
• First Piercing: NONE lol.
• First Thing You Did Today: Woke up
• First Thing You Ate: Cereal
• First school you went to: St Joes

7 Lasts
• Last Food Consumption: Maple Syrup on a piece of bread.
• Last Car Ride: Being driven home from the park.
• Last Text Message: Cya
• Last Movie Seen: Eclipse. Don't kill me.
• Last Item Bought: Pasta Salad
• Last CD Played: Paramore All we know is falling
• Last Website You Were On: Facebook.

6 Have You Evers
• Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Nope.
• Have You Ever Broken the Law: UMMM ( runs away)
• Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope
• Have You Ever Been on TV: My photo was on TV once...? Doesn't really count.
• Have You Ever Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: Nah.
• Have You Ever Sat On The Roof: No

5 Places You've Been To
• My House
• Soley's house
• School
• Mall
• Sylvia's house

4 Things
• You're Wearing: Jacket, Tshirt, Jeans, Nail Polish
• You Did Last Night: Excersied, Played Pokemon Ruby, Had a shower, texted a friend.
• What Can You Hear Right Now: My Dad chopping up something for dinner, cars outside, the computer whirring and my typing on the keyboard.
• You Can't Live Without: Friends. Family. And the internetz LOL.

3 People You Can Tell Anything To
• Soley
• Sylvia

2 Choices
• Black or White: black
• Hot or Cold: Hot

1 Love
• Drawing

Decided to take this challenge. Its a bit hard when your name begins with a Y

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have Fun!!

1. What is your name:

2. A four Letter Word:

3. A boy's Name:

4. A girl's Name:

5. An occupation:
...youth group...owner? (PFFFFFT)

6. A color:

7. Something you wear:
YELLOW tshirt (shot)

8. A food:

9. In the bathroom:
Yellow coloured SOAP

10. A place:

11. A reason for being late:
Yellow monsters where attacking me

12. Something you shout:

13. A movie title:
Year One (idk)

14. Something you drink:
Yogi Tea (googled it)

15. A musical group:
Youngbloods ( Never heard of them??)

Yeah, it kinda SUCKS when you have a name beginning with Y.
Usually the only things people associate the letter Y with are Yaks, Yachts, Yoghurt Yellow and...YMCA.

Oh and screw the "You cannot use any word twice" Rule. SCREW IIIIT!



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