Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey lookie!

So I was rummaging through my shelves when all of a sudden THIS BOOK popped out at me.
And I was like: "Hey look, its my old rant journal before I had a blog :O"

I was like, Fourteen when I wrote it, and I thought I should share some of my thoughts from back in the days.
Let's just say: I haven't changed much xD


Page ONE:

I am writing to you to tell you about random stuff in my life. This book is weird and I advise you to return it before you die of reading too much crap from it.

I will never publish it.

 By the way, the pen I am writing with is REALLY ANNOYING!!

It is half broken.
I shall find another.

Just wait.


That's better.
Now on with it.
Page TWO


First of all-my life sucks.

It revolves around counting calories in food, exercising, cleaning, reading magazines, drawing, playing guitar and surfing. The web. Not the ocean. I am petrified of the ocean.

Second, why I am I writing this CRAP?
Answer: Because there is NOTHING else to do, and I am trying not to eat.

I has a family, but they seemed to be obsessed with the TV, and I don’t know why because there is NOTHING on and we don’t have Sky. Great.

The next few pages are filled with sketches.

Okay Wait.

Okay, I’ back, with an 8B (MAGIC) pencil, instead of a 6B.
But I really need a pen.

Hold on

That’s better [is writing in pen]

I’m sorry I’m random. It’s not my fault. Blame the parents.

Everyone’s in a mood today, especially me. But it’s more of a “I’m tired, give me space” kind of mood.


Geez, I'm so lonered.

Ow, my hand hurts.


Ugh. My parents think that they know everything.

“Oh, having crackers after dinner is not good for you” they say

“Well at least I didn’t pig out on ¾ of a banana cake like SOME PEOPLE* I know”
I say.

They say nothing. And I know that they know that they got the chop. So there.

So I start doing press-ups.

“Do you really think that you’ll be able to have a normal life living like that?”
They say.

“Doing what?”
I say.

“Eating crackers for dinner and then doing exercise to burn it all off?”
They say.

“What, so It’s a CRIME to do press-ups?”
I say.

And they say nothing.


This is a totally normal conversation in my humble household.

This is why I like to escape into room, listening to music loud to annoy the crap out of my parents.

They’ve learned not to disturb me c:<

Anyway, they’re blaming me for exercising whilst they’re watching TV. Ugly Betty to be exact.

Couch potatoes much?

I knew you’d agree

*my parents ate the cake.

 [Back to Inspiration Kill]

Theres more, but I'll type it up later.
It's 10:00 pm on a freaking Sunday.



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