Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day Seven AND Eight ♥

"Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.Day Two: Nine things about yourself.Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).Day Seven: Four turn offs.Day Eight: Three turn ons.Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.Day Ten: One confession."

Day Seven: Four turn offs. 

One: Make 1000 mistakes in front of me because you are trying too hard. ACT NATURAL.

Two: Be an asshole to my friends. Even if it's a joke taken too will make me feel uneasy around you. Please refrain from being a dick.

Three: Do something  extremely disturbingly disgusting. You might think it's funny. But I'm thinking "Grow Up."

Four: Be dry. I'm a fast paced person. ZOOM!

Day Eight: Three turn ons.

One: Share a passion for art/music. I ♥ creative people.

Two: Be NICE to me. Yeah its OK to be a playful too. Doesn't hurt ;)

Three: Look cute. The end. I cbf typing this up anymore. Besides, I cbf thinking right now either. It's late.

Day Five AND Six

"Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.Day Two: Nine things about yourself.Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).Day Seven: Four turn offs.Day Eight: Three turn ons.Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.Day Ten: One confession."
Day Five:
Six Thing you Wish you'd Never Done.

One: Got Drunk off my face, and then walked home and faced parents. I think this one explains itself... O__o

Two: Ask out a guy and then dump him a month later. 

Three: Ask out a guy and make friendships awkward

Four: Taken maths this year. Seriously, Foundation maths is the lowest class I could have gotten into. I should have taken Biology instead when I had the chance :/

Five: Get drunk and say things I regretted. This is making me sound like an alcoholic. I'm not.

Six: Been a bitch to my friends by being bossy/whiny etc etc.

Day Six:
Five People who Mean a lot to Me (no order)

One: Soley-Seriously, where can I start? We've been friends for 11.2 years now, and I don't regret any of it :)
Imagine if you had went to a different primary school; I wouldn't even know you, yet I'd still feel as though a piece of life would be missing from me.

Two: Sylvia-You are probably THE most helpful person I've met. And you're brainy. AND we're related, although you're so much more sensible than me (which is a good thing). Oh-AND you got me into manga. Which then resulted in getting Soley into manga. Which THEN resulted into her and Jessica becoming good Manga-Buddies. See the whole chain reaction thingy going on here? Oh- you're also the only person who I can have proper jam sessions with :)
OH AND GLITTERPACKS xD. Need I say more?

Three: Crystal-Isn't it funny how singing lessons in year nine helped make us friends? I love how we have the same problems, like our skin and other things (xD)
I love how you're always there for me, and help me get through shit that life has rudely given us. And how we have the majority of classes together-its great! And you're 16th birthday party-HEEHEHEH >:D

Four: Jessica-LOL The good times we've had (aside from me standing on your boob by accident, and how you kicked me in the twot on purpose xD)
I love that random spider that was having a spazz whilst hanging from it's web. AND that falling twig that fell SO slowly-you just make otherwise boring situations funny :3

Five: Thingy-ma-bob. You know who you are. You know that I ♥ you...fufufuf >:3

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Four

"Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.Day Two: Nine things about yourself.Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).Day Seven: Four turn offs.Day Eight: Three turn ons.Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.Day Ten: One confession."

Day Four: Seven Things that Cross my Mind a lot.

1: Will so and so ever speak to me again? Will it be awkward if we do? Ugh. It's been how long now? Two months? And yeah, I think it's my fault. I did something, and I have a hunch on what I did. Not that I'm 100% positive, but it well and truly could be. Not posting it on here as this blog is worldwide, even though I'm lucky if 3 people read it...

2: My school skirt can hardly be called a "skirt". It's a piece of fabric that most wear up to their mid thigh, and some even so they flash a bit of their undies. I am always worrying when I walk up stairs/down stairs that I am flashing someone, somewhere.

3: Are the eyelashes on my right eye still curled? Believe it or not, I am quite self conscious about my eyelashes, especially on this eye.

4: Because there have been a vast amount of Earthquakes in Christchurch, is it likely that the North Island will get some too? I don't really feel like being thrown across the room due to the fact that the whole town is shaking at 6.3 on the Richter Scale.

5: "I wanna go to sleep". I seriously think I am anemic. I am ALWAYS tired. Everyday, after school (and a little bit of Facebooking), I have to lie in my bed and sleep for approximately 1.5 hours. This is usually around the time of 4:30-5:30-6.
On the weekends, I get up at about 8am, then fall asleep at 9:30-10. Weird. It's as of my body is "craving" sleep.

6: I need to get a job. I know, Pack 'n Save. Checkout chick. 4 hours a day, 3 days a week. Minimum wage. It's enough to keep teen me going for a couple of months or so. I tend to spend WAY more than I earn. 

7: Am I a cold, heartless bitch? I know I say a lot of things I shouldn't. I can be a tad superficial. I can be bossy. I can be selfish. Surely, these are some of the many negative qualities about teenage girls. No. That's stereotyping. I think I't's just me, to be honest. I have a problem. People think I'm cute. It's all an act, I swear. I don't do it on purpose or anything. I don't even know I'm doing it until it's been done. And when I say sorry, I always mean sorry. So...

Sorry if I have been cruel, selfish, unhelpful, bitchy etc. I am truly, truly sorry.

Also, on a side note, just noticed on my Triple Number Syndrome poll, there are three 3's in a row. xD

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 2 + 3 (since I missed out T__T)

"Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.Day Two: Nine things about yourself.Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).Day Seven: Four turn offs.Day Eight: Three turn ons.Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.Day Ten: One confession."

 Day Two
Nine things about myself ♫ ♪

1: I am short. They measured me in October last year, and I was 154 cm. Then 4 weeks ago, I was 152 cm. Then 2 weeks ago I was 151 cm. I believe I am shrinking at the age of 16... Dx

2: I am left handed, but I play all sport right-handedly.

3: I like to eat cereal dry as I am a fussy eater. Yes, that includes Weet-Bix.

4: I once set a toaster on fire. This proves that I am a terrible cook.

5: I am paranoid about getting Melanoma. So I will always wear sunscreen xD

6: I am really pale. In winter, the lightest shade of foundation is sometimes too dark for me.

7: I like to drink a lot of water. I can finish 4 bottles in 15 minutes.

8: I sometimes use the thesaurus whilst texting/chatting to smart people to make me sound smart xD

9: I have strange dreams that make NO sense. None of this falling or walking into school naked business. Mine are about Mexicans and Cheese Slides, and Internet that is connected to paperback books. This was all in one dream btw.

Day Three
Eight Ways to Win my Heart. ♥

1: Draw me something and draw it well. Double points if it is something I can associate with.

2: Chat to me about Photoshop/Illustrator/Digital Art Program. If I can someone can talk to me and know what "Layers", "Clipping Masks" and "Soft Light Layer Modes" are, then hello :L

3: Talk to me about Pokemon. Geeky, I know.

4: Play an Instrument, or sing for me. Its adorable.

5: Help me with school/study. A guy who has brains is always a good thing.

6: Share my taste in music. Which isn't hard mind you. As long as it's not all hardcore rap or screamo, then whatever. Yes, I like classical ^^

7: Flirt with me. A lot.♥

8: Be nice to me. I almost always fall for guys who are so nice and sweet to me :D

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Well I should keep this promise:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.Day Two: Nine things about yourself.Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).Day Seven: Four turn offs.Day Eight: Three turn ons.Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.Day Ten: One confession.

Day One:
Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

One: I miss you so damn much. Come and talk to me again. 
Two: I feel as is we're growing apart. Let's rebuild our friendship.
Three: That's kinda slutty...
Four: Stop being so damn cocky. You're nice and all, but tone it down a tad.
Five: Change the password on your laptop. NOW.
Six: I'm not my usual self around you...
Seven: Obsessed much?
Eight: Nagging at me will get you nowhere...
Nine: I'm glad you're getting over this. Told you things would get better!
Ten: Stop being such. A. Bitch to people (that one was aimed at myself T__T)

Friday, February 18, 2011

I should really turn this into an art blog.

Starting from today. Heres my newest pictures. Enjoy. Or not. Up to you, my dears,

Also, the new Spyro is really, well. Ick. See for yourself: