Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today was a shit day.

To start off, I worked really hard on a project to earn my group pizza.
We won.
I then found out I had to go during lunch to the orthodontist.
I told my friends to save me a slice.
They didn't.
All that work for nothing.

SO  I went to the canteen to get me some lunch since the only other thing I had was a rice bar.
JUST as I got to the window, the bell rang and they closed the door in my face.

I got no food.
Luckily my friend gave me a muesli bar.

THEN I got home to find my cat is still missing.
NOT only that, but the Neighbors inform us sh'ed been run over.
The SPCA took her to the vet.

She died.

My cat.

R.I.P xoxxo

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