Monday, November 29, 2010

Finished for the year

So, I have (finally) finished the school year :)

I wish to write a proper blog entry to show how much I both enjoyed and hated this year xD

First of all, the things I loved/achieved: (FYI: Not in any order)

*Meeting tons of new friends/ epic people
*My friend Erin's 16th birthday party (Hawaiian themed)
*Going to the Supermarket with Soley to have a junk food fest, and emerging with
strawberries and dried mango slices (junk food fail)
*Passing Trigonometry with Excellence (too bad it was my mock exam haha)
*Getting into the English Excellence class
*Slowly and steadily improving on my art
*Getting a new cell phone
* The many, many sleepovers at my friend’s houses. All of which were epic :D
*Getting introduced to the Cherub series (fufufu good books)
*Getting slightly tipsy with my friends and laughing at the most LAMEST things ever (P002 anyone?!)
*Finally finishing my freaking art board (FINALLY)
*Passing NCEA level 1
*Going to Corn Evil with a group of like, 14 of us, and shitting ourselves scared. Especially with those chainsaws.
*Meeting the Japanese exchange students
* Jessie’s 16th birthday party, and rocking out to music in the garage
* PARAMORE CONCERT with Soley and Alannah
* Crystals 15th birthday party and watching the Grudge 3 after she told us her house was haunted (lol)\
*Getting my ears pierced
*Jessie’s (I have 2 friends named Jessie) 15th tie-dye birthday party
*Getting excellence on my speech (FLUKE)
*Jam sessions with Sylvia in the basement
*Watching Avatar in 3D in the biggest cinema I’ve ever been in
*The epic trips to Bayfair shopping centre by bus, which left me broke but yet happy
* Trips to McDonalds with my friends between exams (Lol the hand dryer wouldn’t turn off after I used it. Three times.)
*Getting my learners
*How fast this year has gone

Ahh, theres TONS more, but I can’t think of many right now.

Things I hated/loathed:

*Going on medication. Helpful, yeah. But makes me feel like a psycho kinda.
*Getting into English Excellence.
*Seeing jellyfish at the beach (shiver)
*Waking up and finding Jelly-like blobs attatched to my leg. WHICH ARE STILL THERE
* Sitting in the exam room/doing exams
*Being in awkward situations. Happens every year,
*Almost running over Turkeys, a cat and a Pukeko.
*Going to Bayfair and finding that I only have 93c to spend…haha fail
*Breaking my touchlamp. (Okay, it just needs a new light bulb…)
*Remembering just now that I promised to get a blood test (AHHH)
*Finding out that one of my friends is moving away
* Failing my static image
*My younger sister growing taller than me
*Causing drama between friends
*Sorting out drama between friends
*Physically causing some of my friends pain (I’m sorry :DDDD, it was your own fault.)
*Feeling sick. Getting conjunctivitis.
*My earring holes closing up
*Fainting from eye drops (LOL)
*Finding out all those miners died
*How slowly I’m improving on my art
*Not sticking to my art resolutions
*Crying in front of :DDDD
*Getting a nosebleed that ruined 3 hours of artwork cuz I had a cold (Lol, pathetic much?)
*Starting projects, but never finishing them
*The fact that I went out with someone, and can’t see now what I saw in him then xD
*How fast this year has gone

And there is also TONS more, but I don’t feel like being depressed right now XD

So yeah. Onto the next year!

Oh wait, we still have one more month to go.
I fail

Hold on.


*Pant pant*

Jeez, I have to go see a doctor about them. Hopefully they’ll tell me that I am allergic to exams and that I must never, ever sit them again. Hopefully.
But of course, I’ll still be given the credits. Or um, not.

Ha, I’ve been looking at all the improvement memes on deviantart:§ion=&global=1&q=improvement+meme

And I just hope that I improve over the years too.

The trick? Practice. Every. Day.

Draw things you don’t normally draw. Go outside your comfort zone.
There is no limit when it comes to being creative. The only thing limiting you is yourself.


Okay, okay, I’ll stop.

But seriously, Imma try and draw poses that I don’t normally draw
And I’m gonna take time to draw things and be more patient.
Because being hasty with details is going to let you down sometimes.

Oh, and I’m gonna practise reading music too. I wish to get better at that as well.
And to get better at guitar.
Yes plz.


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