Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Will be doing this:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My 100th post!

Hec, I didn't even know I was near the 100 post mark until I saw it :O

Well to celebrate, here's a, um, new blog post xD

Just how boring the holidays could be when you live in a small town and there is nothing. To. Do.
On the other hand, I've begun doing a quick digital painting of this: 
Which is a Sim that someone has made on The Sims 2. I don't know that if by drawing this, it is considered art theft. If it is, please note me immediately so I can delete it >.<
Here is the W.I.P: 
Doesn't look like much at the moment xD
Also, on the epic news side of this:
*Quoted from Spyro Wiki*
"Spyro's Kingdom is an upcoming Action/Adventure game for the Spyro the Dragon series being published by Activision, set to be released in 2011 on the Nintendo DS, Wii, and possibly on other game consoles. It's currently unknown if it will be part of the classic series, the Legend series, or start up a completely new series.

The game is currently under production, and has been in the making since June 2009 with its test title "Spyro's Kingdom".
Within October 2010, the game was leaked out. Tom Bromhead is set to voice a character in the upcoming game, but who he will voice remains unknown. His list of his latest voice works included the test title, Spyro's Kingdom, but he removed it shortly after fans have emailed him. It is unknown is this was Activision's doing, or the voice actor's.

There was evidence of Spyro's Kingdom being in an Adventure Pack and Starter Pack on a site named completeepos, but Activision removed them off the list of their upcoming and recently released games."
Can't wait for this! Although ,I didn't like the previous Spyro games (the Trilogy) as much as the very first ones, I can't wait to see what they have in store for everyones favorite purple dragon :D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2010 Art Summary

Copypasta from devart:

This is actually quite shameful to look at... D:
I have failed to really improve at all, my anatomy is shocking and my colouring skills are

Some of the the art for February and November are wrong, but I didn't have any art for those months, but I drew those close enough.

I aim to spend more time on my pictures, and not to be in such a rush to complete them!
Hopefully I will improve next year, as I plan to draw/sketch at least one a day! I will also be taking art design classes next year, and hopefully my teachers will help me improve!

I've only drawn one picture of Foxxet this year (which isn't here), none of Kaichou and Berrieon. The only picture of Akira (the pink/orange wolf) is the one in the February box.
I think I focused a lot more on humans this year.

I also tried to draw better backgrounds, but failed as the only bg's I seem to draw is of clouds/sky xD.
Perhaps it is because I love drawing skies c:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Polaroids and Powerlines

Migrating back here for the time being.

Ahh what the hell, I'll just have 2 blogs xD
Any way, heres some Polaroid photos I took then edited on Photoshop using a Polaroid action to get the effect.
Sorry for teh massivish files ^.^;;

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Well I may be migrating...


Blogspot has been going a little slow for me at the yeah.

Sorry :/

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blobs + Photos. But not photos of the blobs.

Well it turns out that those jellyfish eggs on legs blobs on my legs were a reaction to this bug thingy.
Begins with an "S"

The nurse had to um, kill  pop them with a needle.

Brought this beautiful book about graphic design today :)
I ♥ it :)
AND it only cost $12. Bargain!

Also, my MSN is screwed up :/
I'm Sorry Sylvia....

Oh yeah, heres 2 photos I added vintageish effects to:

Finished for the year

So, I have (finally) finished the school year :)

I wish to write a proper blog entry to show how much I both enjoyed and hated this year xD

First of all, the things I loved/achieved: (FYI: Not in any order)

*Meeting tons of new friends/ epic people
*My friend Erin's 16th birthday party (Hawaiian themed)
*Going to the Supermarket with Soley to have a junk food fest, and emerging with
strawberries and dried mango slices (junk food fail)
*Passing Trigonometry with Excellence (too bad it was my mock exam haha)
*Getting into the English Excellence class
*Slowly and steadily improving on my art
*Getting a new cell phone
* The many, many sleepovers at my friend’s houses. All of which were epic :D
*Getting introduced to the Cherub series (fufufu good books)
*Getting slightly tipsy with my friends and laughing at the most LAMEST things ever (P002 anyone?!)
*Finally finishing my freaking art board (FINALLY)
*Passing NCEA level 1
*Going to Corn Evil with a group of like, 14 of us, and shitting ourselves scared. Especially with those chainsaws.
*Meeting the Japanese exchange students
* Jessie’s 16th birthday party, and rocking out to music in the garage
* PARAMORE CONCERT with Soley and Alannah
* Crystals 15th birthday party and watching the Grudge 3 after she told us her house was haunted (lol)\
*Getting my ears pierced
*Jessie’s (I have 2 friends named Jessie) 15th tie-dye birthday party
*Getting excellence on my speech (FLUKE)
*Jam sessions with Sylvia in the basement
*Watching Avatar in 3D in the biggest cinema I’ve ever been in
*The epic trips to Bayfair shopping centre by bus, which left me broke but yet happy
* Trips to McDonalds with my friends between exams (Lol the hand dryer wouldn’t turn off after I used it. Three times.)
*Getting my learners
*How fast this year has gone

Ahh, theres TONS more, but I can’t think of many right now.

Things I hated/loathed:

*Going on medication. Helpful, yeah. But makes me feel like a psycho kinda.
*Getting into English Excellence.
*Seeing jellyfish at the beach (shiver)
*Waking up and finding Jelly-like blobs attatched to my leg. WHICH ARE STILL THERE
* Sitting in the exam room/doing exams
*Being in awkward situations. Happens every year,
*Almost running over Turkeys, a cat and a Pukeko.
*Going to Bayfair and finding that I only have 93c to spend…haha fail
*Breaking my touchlamp. (Okay, it just needs a new light bulb…)
*Remembering just now that I promised to get a blood test (AHHH)
*Finding out that one of my friends is moving away
* Failing my static image
*My younger sister growing taller than me
*Causing drama between friends
*Sorting out drama between friends
*Physically causing some of my friends pain (I’m sorry :DDDD, it was your own fault.)
*Feeling sick. Getting conjunctivitis.
*My earring holes closing up
*Fainting from eye drops (LOL)
*Finding out all those miners died
*How slowly I’m improving on my art
*Not sticking to my art resolutions
*Crying in front of :DDDD
*Getting a nosebleed that ruined 3 hours of artwork cuz I had a cold (Lol, pathetic much?)
*Starting projects, but never finishing them
*The fact that I went out with someone, and can’t see now what I saw in him then xD
*How fast this year has gone

And there is also TONS more, but I don’t feel like being depressed right now XD

So yeah. Onto the next year!

Oh wait, we still have one more month to go.
I fail

Hold on.


*Pant pant*

Jeez, I have to go see a doctor about them. Hopefully they’ll tell me that I am allergic to exams and that I must never, ever sit them again. Hopefully.
But of course, I’ll still be given the credits. Or um, not.

Ha, I’ve been looking at all the improvement memes on deviantart:§ion=&global=1&q=improvement+meme

And I just hope that I improve over the years too.

The trick? Practice. Every. Day.

Draw things you don’t normally draw. Go outside your comfort zone.
There is no limit when it comes to being creative. The only thing limiting you is yourself.


Okay, okay, I’ll stop.

But seriously, Imma try and draw poses that I don’t normally draw
And I’m gonna take time to draw things and be more patient.
Because being hasty with details is going to let you down sometimes.

Oh, and I’m gonna practise reading music too. I wish to get better at that as well.
And to get better at guitar.
Yes plz.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Average Meme? I'm a very...bad influence? LOL

I know. Another meme...ugh.
Don't do this one, Sylvia xD

[ ] smoked
[x] consumed alcohol
[ ] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
[x] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
[ ] kissed someone of the same sex
[ ] had sex
[x] had someone in your room other than family
[ ] watched porn
[ ] bought porn
[ ] tried drugs


[ ] taken painkillers
[ ] taken someone else's prescription medicine
[x] lied to your parents
[x] lied to a friend
[x] snuck out of the house
[ ] done something illegal
[x] felt hurt
[x] hurt someone
[x] wished someone to die
[ ] seen someone die


[x] missed curfew
[x] stayed out all night
[ ] eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
[x] been to a therapist
[ ] received a ticket
[ ] been to rehab
[x] dyed your hair
[ ] been in an accident
[ ] been to a club
[ ] been to a bar


[ ] been to a wild party
[ ] been to a Mardi Gras parade
[ ] drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night
[ ] had a spring break in Florida
[ ] sniffed anything
[x] wore black nail polish
[x] wore arm bands
[x] wore t-shirts with band names
[ ] listened to rap


[ ] dressed gothic
[x] dressed girly
[x] dressed punk
[x] dressed grunge
[ ] stole something
[ ] been too drunk to remember anything
[ ] blacked out
[x] fainted
[ ] had a crush on a neighbour


[x] had a crush on a friend
[x] been to a concert
[ ] dry-humped someone
[ ] been called a slut
[x] called someone a slut.
[x] installed speakers in a car
[x] broken a mirror
[x] showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
[ ] brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush


[ ] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper?
[x] seen an R-rated movie
[x] cruised the mall
[x] skipped school
[ ] had surgery
[x] had an injury
[ ] gone to court
[ ] walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
[x] caught something on fire. (the erm, toaster...)
[x] lied about your age


[ ] owned/rented an apartment/house
[ ] broke the law in the police's presence
[ ] made out with someone who had a GF/BF
[ ] got in trouble with the police
[x] talked to a stranger
[x] hugged a stranger
[ ] kissed a stranger
[ ] rode in the car with a stranger
[ ] been harassed
[x] been verbally harassed


[ ] met face-to-face with someone you met online
[x] stayed online for 5+ hours straight
[x] talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
[ ] watched TV for 5 hours straight
[x] been to a fair
[x] been called a bad influence
[ ] drank and drove
[x] prank-called someone.
[x] laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
[x] cheated on a test



If you have 00-10 ... write [I'm a goody-goody]
If you have 11-20 ... write [I'm still a goody-goody]
If you have 21-30 ... write [I'm average]
If you have 31-40 ... write [I'm a bad kid]
If you have 41-50 ... write [I'm a very bad influence]
If you have 51-60 ... write [I'm a horrible person]
If you have 61-70 ... write [I should be in jail]
If you have 71-80 ... write [I should be dead]
If you have 81-90 ... write [I got a ticket to Hell]

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Manga? Yes plz

Here we go:

Here are the links:
Page One

Page 2

Page 3 (incomplete haha)

Yeah I suck xD

New Manga?

Hard meme haha

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Re-post as "my life according to (band name)."

Pick your Artist: Paramore

Are you a male or female: Hallelujah

Describe yourself: Whoa (xD jk)

How do you feel: Pressure (science exam sooon)

Describe where you currently live: Fences

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Franklin ( A place in Massachusetts, USA)

Your favorite form of transportation: All I Wanted ( I got nuk)

Your best friend is: Brighter

You and your best friends are: Playing God

What's the weather like: When it Rains

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: The Only Exception

What is life to you: Miracle

Your relationship: Careful

Your fear: Misguided Ghosts

What is the best advice you have to give: That's what you get

Thought for the Day: Here we go Again

How I would like to die: Let the Flames Begin

My soul's present condition: Feeling Sorry

My motto: For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Elements Meme

[x] You have a short temper.
[x] You often act on your emotions without thinking first.
[x] You are very competitive.
[ ] You like to play with fire.
[x] You are not a strong swimmer or you can't swim at all.
[x] You prefer warm weather over cold weather.
[x] You often lose control over yourself.
[x] You can be quite reckless. (Like how I kicked a hole in the wall without thinking DX)
[x] You sometimes hurt people without realizing it.
[x] People have often called you insane.
Total: 9 (teeheee)


[ ] You have a calm, laid-back personality.
[x] You like to go to the beach.
[ ] You rarely get angry.
[ ] When you do get angry, you know how to control it.
[ ] You think before you act.
[ ] You are good at breaking up fights.
[ ] You are a good swimmer.
[x] You like the rain.
[ ] You can stay calm in stressful situations.
[x] You are very generous.
Total: 3


[ ] You are physically strong.
[x] You have a close connection with nature.
[ ] You don't mind getting dirty.
[x] You form strong opinions on issues that concern you.
[ ] You could easily survive in the wild.
[x] You care about the environment.
[ ] You can easily focus on your work without getting distracted.
[ ] You rarely get depressed.
[ ] You aren't afraid of anything.
[ ] You prefer to have a strict set of rules.
Total: 3


[x] You have a free spirit.
[x] You hate rules.
[x] You prefer to be out in the open rather than in small, enclosed spaces.
[x] You hate to be restrained.
[ ] You are very independent and outgoing.
[x] You are quite intelligent.
[x] You tend to be impatient.
[x] You are easily distracted.
[x] You can sometimes be hyperactive and/or annoying.
[x] You wish you could fly.
Total: 9


[x] You spend most of your time alone.
[ ] You prefer nighttime over daytime.
[x] You like creepy things.
[x] You like to play tricks on people.
[ ] Black is your favorite color.
[ ] You prefer the villains over the heroes in movies, TV shows, videogames, etc.
[ ] You don't talk much.
[ ] You are atheist.
[x] You don't mind watching scary movies.
[ ] You love to break the rules.
Total: 3


[x] You are very polite. (sometimessss)
[ ] You are spiritual.
[ ] When someone is in trouble, you never hesitate to help them.
[ ] You believe everything you see or hear.
[ ] You are afraid of the dark.
[x] You hate violence.
[x] You hope for world peace.
[x] You are generally a happy person.
[ ] Everyone loves to be around you.
[ ] You always follow the rules.
Total: 4

Cross between fire and air. Suits me to a T?


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Music Meme 2

Already done this, but doing it again fufufu


So, here's how it works:
1. Open your music library.
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.


Opening Credits:
Sorry sorry- Super Junior

Waking Up:
Hands held high- Linkin Park

First Day At School:
The Climb- Miley Cyrus

Falling In love:
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zepplin

Fight Song:
Breath- Taylor Swift ft. Colbie Calliat

Breaking Up:
My Turn- Hoobastank

Firework -Katy Perry

Life's OK:
Punching in a Dream- The Naked and Famous

Mental Breakdown:
Decoy -Paramore

Our Way Home- Conditions

Franklin- Paramore

Getting Back Together:
A Year Without Rain- Selena Gomez

All I want is you -Barry Louis Polisar

Birth of Child:
Seventeen Forever -Metro Station

Final Battle:
Absolute - The Fray

Death Scene:
You Belong with Me - Taylor Swift

Funeral Song:
Song of the Century- Green Day

End Credits:
On the Wing - Owl City

After Credits Twist:
Division -Aly and Aj
Meh. Funner the first time. :/

Music Quiz

[ ] Breaking Benjamin
[x] Paramore
[x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[x] Linkin Park
[x] The Academy Is…
[x] Coldplay
[ ] Three Days Grace
[ ] Yellowcard
[x] 30 Seconds to Mars
[ ] Rise Against
[ ] Nirvana

[ ] Rascal Flatts
[x] Carrie Underwood
[x] Leanne Rimes
[ ] Garth Brooks
[x] Dixie Chicks
[ ] Kenny Chesney
[ ] Tim McGraw
[ ] Faith Hill
[x] Shania Twain

[ ] Hawthorne Heights
[x] Panic! At The Disco.
[ ] From First to Last
[ ] Senses Fail
[ ] Underoath
[ ] Something Corporate
[ ] Hit The Lights
[ ] Silverstein
[ ] Dear Whoever
[ ] Chiodos

[ ] The Hush Sound
[ ] Eisley
[x] Death Cab for Cutie
[ ] Dashboard Confessional
[ ] The Killers
[ ] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[ ] Hot Hot Heat
[ ] Gym Class Heroes
[ ] Franz Ferdinand
[ ] Modest Mouse

[x] Slipknot
[ ] System of a Down
[ ] Disturbed
[ ] Metallica
[ ] Guns n’ Roses
[ ] Lamb of God
[ ] Slayer
[ ] Atreyu
[ ] Killswitch Engage
[ ] Avenged Sevenfold
[ ] CKY

[ ] Teddy Geiger
[x] Ashlee Simpson
[x] Kelly Clarkson
[ ] Jesse McCartney
[x] Avril Lavigne
[x] Pink
[x] Natasha Bedingfield
[ ] Mcfly
[/] Jonas Brothers

[ ] job for a cowboy
[ ] drop dead gorgeous
[ ] blessthefall
[ ] the devil wears prada
[x] bring me the horizon
[ ] dance club massecure
[ ] preschool tea party massecure
[ ] Scary Kids Scaring Kids

[ ] nas
[ ] Paul Wall
[ ] 2pac
[ ] mims
[ ] Ludacris
[ ] Lil’ Jon
[ ] Outkast
[ ] 50 Cent
[ ] birdman
[ ] three 6 mafia
[ ] lil wayne
[x] Eminem

[ ] Rancid
[ ] The Aquabats
[ ] Sublime
[ ] No Doubt
[ ] Reel Big Fish
[ ] Mustard Plug

[ ] Taking Back Sunday
[x] All American Rejects
[x] Motion City Soundtrack
[ ] Angels and Airwaves
[x] Evanescence
[x] My Chemical Romance
[ ] Drowning Pool
[x] Green Day
[x] Blink 182

[x] The Beatles
[x] Led Zeppelin
[ ] Black Sabbath
[x] The Rolling Stones
[ ] The Who
[x] Pink Floyd
[ ] Meat Loaf
[x] Queen
[ ] Poison
[x] AC-DC
[ ] Journey
[ ] Fleetwood Mac
[ ] Tom Petty
[ ] Iron Maiden
[ ] The Police

Total: 34 Some of the bands I have heard of, but I havn't actually heard any of their songs, so it doesn't mean I don't LIKE them. So there. I suck lololol

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weird Dream

I was mad at my parents, so I ran away from home. It was raining-pouring. I caught up with Margarita and Leesa, and they wanted to catch the bus into town. I was going to catch the bus to Ohope, and see Isaac (wtf?), but I had no money. They leant me $1.30, but gave me $8, in coins, no notes.
The bus came past and said it “was not running today”. Then I saw my Dad’s truck, and panicked (lol). THEN this weird guy (who I have never seen in my life) came up to us driving my car. MY CAR! Margarita said that she knew him. He said that he had his full license, so the three of us hopped into the car. I was in the front passenger seat.
We started driving to Ohope. He drove around the roundabout the wrong freakin’ way! As in, he was driving head on TOWARDS cars going in the opposite direction. We were going up the hill to Ohope, and there were landslides everywhere. FYI, It is still raining. The dude (who I think was Spanish, but spoke English) was driving extremely recklessly.
We got to the school and there were school kids exiting the bus. It is now snowing, and there is snow all over the roads, and covering pine trees. Wtf. Then the Spanish dude said that he “didn’t even have his licence, not even his learners,” so I told him that I would drive. I hopped into the drivers seat. I took the handbrake off then bean to drive, but it was really hard for some reason (probably cuz of the snow). Also, my seat felt like it was rather high up.

Now for the weird part.

It is now raining again. As you know, there are tons of landslides along the road I was driving (in my dream anyway), but now I was looking at the world from the Spanish dudes point of view.
They were cheese slides (WHAT. THE. FUCK), with orange-yellow coloured melted cheese, and also bubble slides (with tons of bubbles). I (now the Spanish dude) fell down these cheese slides because I had some how emerged from the car. Yasmin was no-where in sight, but instead there was a baby who was going down the cheese/bubble slide, which has waterfall like.
Then I was Yasmin again, and could see that the landslides were in fact, not made out of cheese, but were just regular landslides, and they were imagining all of the cheese etc. Also, we were in Ohope now, nearish West End (dunno how we got there). And the baby and the Spanish guy were drowning, and it reminded me of when my friend Crystal drowned her character in Grand Theft Auto, for some unknown reason. I had to pull them out of the sea, but to do that, I had to pick from two cheeses in which the people would arrive form. What the fuck x100000. The Spanish guy was now wearing a pink bunny costume (w.t.f) and the baby was wearing one too. That was the last time I saw either of them.
THEN (yes it goes on) this lady had set up internet/phone lines outside. There where white wires everywhere, and also paperback novels. (I know. Weird, right?) To answer the phone (she called it “dial-up”) you had to see which book was um, ringing, and then place the phone up to the book. (THIS MAKES NOOOO SENSE). The book/phone rang, and it was someone on the other line saying “tell Yasmin’s Mum not to worry, as I have spare clothes for her”. It was Isaac (hahalolwtf).

It was as if the whole thing was a story, and I closed the novel I was reading. I wanted to see what came next, so I grabbed the next book (which had the same cover as Maximum Ride 3) and I opened it. My mind flicked to another scene, and some of my other friends were there. It was dark. I then closed the novel, realising that it was the “prequel” to the story.

The End. May the adventures continue???

Can't Believe it...

It's the end of Year 11.
Only 4 exams to go.

And I'm done.
Until the next year.

Has gone extremely fast.
Seems like only yesterday that it was the 1st day of the 1st term.

Its...crazy. Really crazy.
Indescribable almost.

Never thought that I'd get through English this year.
But I did.

Never thought that I'd finish my art board.
But I did.

Never thought I'd...


I was mad at my parents, so I ran away from home. It was raining-pouring. I caught up with Margarita and Leesa, and they wanted to catch the bus into town. I was going to catch the bus to Ohope, and see Isaac (wtf?), but I had no money. They leant me $1.30, but gave me $8, in coins, no notes.
  The bus came past and said it “was not running today”. Then I saw my Dad’s truck, and panicked (lol). THEN this weird guy (who I have never seen in my life) came up to us driving my car. MY CAR! Margarita said that she knew him. He said that he had his full license, so the three of us hopped into the car. I was in the front passenger seat.
  We started driving to Ohope. He drove around the roundabout the wrong freakin’ way! As in, he was driving head on TOWARDS cars going in the opposite direction. We were going up the hill to Ohope, and there were landslides everywhere. FYI, It is still raining. The dude (who I think was Spanish, but spoke English) was driving extremely recklessly.
  We got to the school and there were school kids exiting the bus. It is now snowing, and there is snow all over the roads, and covering pine trees. Wtf. Then the Spanish dude said that he “didn’t even have his licence, not even his learners,” so I told him that I would drive. I hopped into the drivers seat. I took the handbrake off then bean to drive, but it was really hard for some reason (probably cuz of the snow). Also, my seat felt like it was rather high up.

Now for the weird part.

It is now raining again. As you know, there are tons of landslides along the road I was driving (in my dream anyway), but now I was looking at the world from the Spanish dudes point of view.
They were cheese slides (WHAT. THE. FUCK), with orange-yellow coloured melted cheese, and also bubble slides (with tons of bubbles). I (now the Spanish dude) fell down these cheese slides because I had some how emerged from the car. Yasmin was no-where in sight, but instead there was a baby who was going down the cheese/bubble slide, which has waterfall like.
  Then I was Yasmin again, and could see that the landslides were in fact, not made out of cheese, but were just regular landslides, and they were imagining all of the cheese etc. Also, we were in Ohope now, nearish West End (dunno how we got there). And the baby and the Spanish guy were drowning, and it reminded me of when my friend Crystal drowned her character in Grand Theft Auto, for some unknown reason. I had to pull them out of the sea, but to do that, I had to pick from two cheeses in which the people would arrive form. What the fuck x100000. The Spanish guy was now wearing a pink bunny costume (w.t.f) and the baby was wearing one too. That was the last time I saw either of them.
  THEN (yes it goes on) this lady had set up internet/phone lines outside. There where white wires everywhere, and also paperback novels. (I know. Weird, right?) To answer the phone (she called it “dial-up”) you had to see which book was um, ringing, and then place the phone up to the book. (THIS MAKES NOOOO SENSE). The book/phone rang, and it was someone on the other line saying “tell Yasmin’s Mum not to worry, as I have spare clothes for her”. It was Isaac (hahalolwtf).

It was as if the whole thing was a story, and I closed the novel I was reading. I wanted to see what came next, so I grabbed the next book (which had the same cover as Maximum Ride 3) and I opened it. My mind flicked to another scene, and some of my other friends were there. It was dark. I then closed the novel, realising that it was the “prequel” to the story.

The End. May the adventures continue???

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

M e m e

1.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
Cherub Series The Killing by Robert Muchamore- Talking about the character of Lauren

2.) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you reach?
My Tablet Box

3.) What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Idk, can't remember

4.) Without looking guess what time it is?
Uuum 2:30

5.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
2:48 pm. Close kinda :P

6.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Cars sailing down the street

7.) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
About half an hour ago, went into town.

8.) Before you started this meme, what did you look at?
My phone to see what the text message said.

9.) What are you wearing?
Jeans, white singlet, black crop t shirt, pink cardigan, guitar pendant necklace, bow hair acessory and sunglasses, which are on top of my head.

10.) Did you dream last night?
Yep, I went to school and people were talking about how to "Rain was coming" or something.

11.) When did you last laugh?
About 5 minutes ago.

12.) What are on the walls you are in?
Windows, curtains, a painting,...wall paper?

13.) Seen anything weird lately?
Your face :p

14.) What do you think of this quiz?
15.) What was the last film you saw?
Despicable Me in 3D

16.) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
iPods for everyone >w<

17.) Tell me something about you that I don't know?
I am currently chewing the new 5 gum. It tastes like...bubblegum. aha.

18.) If you could change one thing about the world...
Bring Pokemon into it. Just kidding. >.>

19.) Something you'd like to learn?
Anatomy, how to draw in perspective, how to read music properly...tons of things :)

20.) George Bush:

21.) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Either Alice or Amanda or Faye.

22.) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Jake. Cuz I dunno. I don't know anybody called Jake.

23.) Would you ever consider living abroad?
Yes :)

24.) What do you want God to say when you reach the pearly gates?
Ummm... Welcome to Heaven?

25.) Tag six people who must also do this in THEIR journal

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I suck at writing...Dx

I look up restlessly at the midnight sky, the breeze caressing my porcelain skin. It was on this night 1 year ago that my closest friend, Alice Porter, vanished into thin air-literally. I can remember calling out her name in attempt to get her to face me, but it was as if she was in a trance, a void that she could not escape from. And then her skin began to go transparent, ghostly, as she faded into the air. She seemed strangely unmoved by this. I remember the last thing I saw was her chestnut hair flowing with the wind.
She was one with the world now. She would never return. And I would have to accept that. But I couldn’t.

My name is Ivy, last name unknown. Well, it’s not unknown, but I’d prefer to be known by my first name, not by my last. My last name reminds me of my family too much, who are people I would much rather forget about. I am fifteen years young and was born in the month of October. I am afraid of many things, such as cluttered noise, small spaces, numbers and other people named Alice. I do not go to school; school is for those who wish to be taught about things, and I do not wish to learn from other people. I wish to learn from myself, my mistakes, my thoughts and my actions. I like music and art, which are things that I can call my escape. I have two friends-Alice and Eliora. Alice is gone. Eliora is not.
There are a few things I know about this world. One is that paranormal things exist-but just not in the way in which we are taught. Another is that, as a wise woman once said, “The human race is exceedingly flawed”. And they are. I call humans “they” as I am not one of them. At least, not entirely.

I am on a mission. My head was telling me no, but my heart told a different story. I am looking for Alice. Eliora is by my side, our feet mirroring each other as we saunter down the rugged sidewalk. Our pacing is making rhythms that circle through my ears. The sky is a midnight cloak blanketing the city. We come to a building made of glass, and observe our reflections that this glass creates for us. I pray that no-one is watching us in secret, as I extended my palm towards my reflection, and Eliora out to hers. As my fingers graze the glass, it turns from solid to liquid and melts away. I nod my head at Eliora and we step through the barrier and into the light.
Alice was in amongst this mischief that matter has created for us, and I was going to rescue her whether the world liked it or not. I was fed up with the continuous bullshit that had been laid in my wake.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Post Removed

Nothing to see here >.>   >.<   <.<

Post Removed

Keep on moving on anyway~♫♪

Post Removed

Move along now, child.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey lookie!

So I was rummaging through my shelves when all of a sudden THIS BOOK popped out at me.
And I was like: "Hey look, its my old rant journal before I had a blog :O"

I was like, Fourteen when I wrote it, and I thought I should share some of my thoughts from back in the days.
Let's just say: I haven't changed much xD


Page ONE:

I am writing to you to tell you about random stuff in my life. This book is weird and I advise you to return it before you die of reading too much crap from it.

I will never publish it.

 By the way, the pen I am writing with is REALLY ANNOYING!!

It is half broken.
I shall find another.

Just wait.


That's better.
Now on with it.
Page TWO


First of all-my life sucks.

It revolves around counting calories in food, exercising, cleaning, reading magazines, drawing, playing guitar and surfing. The web. Not the ocean. I am petrified of the ocean.

Second, why I am I writing this CRAP?
Answer: Because there is NOTHING else to do, and I am trying not to eat.

I has a family, but they seemed to be obsessed with the TV, and I don’t know why because there is NOTHING on and we don’t have Sky. Great.

The next few pages are filled with sketches.

Okay Wait.

Okay, I’ back, with an 8B (MAGIC) pencil, instead of a 6B.
But I really need a pen.

Hold on

That’s better [is writing in pen]

I’m sorry I’m random. It’s not my fault. Blame the parents.

Everyone’s in a mood today, especially me. But it’s more of a “I’m tired, give me space” kind of mood.


Geez, I'm so lonered.

Ow, my hand hurts.


Ugh. My parents think that they know everything.

“Oh, having crackers after dinner is not good for you” they say

“Well at least I didn’t pig out on ¾ of a banana cake like SOME PEOPLE* I know”
I say.

They say nothing. And I know that they know that they got the chop. So there.

So I start doing press-ups.

“Do you really think that you’ll be able to have a normal life living like that?”
They say.

“Doing what?”
I say.

“Eating crackers for dinner and then doing exercise to burn it all off?”
They say.

“What, so It’s a CRIME to do press-ups?”
I say.

And they say nothing.


This is a totally normal conversation in my humble household.

This is why I like to escape into room, listening to music loud to annoy the crap out of my parents.

They’ve learned not to disturb me c:<

Anyway, they’re blaming me for exercising whilst they’re watching TV. Ugly Betty to be exact.

Couch potatoes much?

I knew you’d agree

*my parents ate the cake.

 [Back to Inspiration Kill]

Theres more, but I'll type it up later.
It's 10:00 pm on a freaking Sunday.



Friday, September 17, 2010

Magazine in the making + other random shit.

It was fun last night ^_^
(Vodka Envy's FTW)

So anyways...
I am making a magazine ^^
It's about um, whatever my feature writers wish to write about xD

So its pretty random.

I'm doing some articles and also the designer :D
Here's the (random) main cover
The image is of the cover girl is a stock image of deviant art, Imma change it to a pic of Soley haha

My Pokemon team for the 5th gen will consist of:
Tsutarja (Grass Starter) OR Mijumaru (Water Starter)
Zorua (Dark type Wolf cub)
Shimama (Electric Zebra)
Churine ( Grass type, ONLY if I don't get Tsutarja
Koaruhii (Water type Signet, ONLY if I don't get Mijumaru)
Shikijika (Normal/Grass fawn MAYBE)
Monozu (Dark Dragon type)

I don't really like many of the 5th generation pokemon TBH :/
Ahh well xD

You can't please everybody I suppose c:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Life sucks.

Lets run away.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

MLIA moment

Were having the talent quest at school
then this band came out as a last minute act

(band with keyboard drums, bass and electic guitar and singer)
And they were all dressed really cool
they started to play


It was cool

My friends also did a K-pop act dance

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pokemon meme #1 mil

What Type is your Favorite?
I LOVE Fire types! Mainly because, the majority of them are canines (Houndoom, Ninetales, Arcanine, Flareon) And second would be electric, third would be dark.

All right, how about your favorite region? Least favorite?
Favourite Region, would be a cross between Hoenn (Pokemon Ruby is the first Pokemon game I played) and Johto.

I didnt really like the Sinnoh region all that much. The grass was too...idk, fluro or something, and the stupid snow that you walked reeeaaallly slowly through. Don't get me wrong, I liike dthe idea and the look of the snow etc.

List your top ten favorite pokemon of all time (and tell us why!)

10. Lanturn
I love this ones design and its unique type combo! In fact the only things that can truly kick its ass is Ground and Grass.

9. Delcatty
Again, I like its design and I like walking with my (shiny) one on Pokemon SS

8. Houndoom
My 2nd pokemon I managed to train up to level 100 woop woop

7. Meganium
My favourte starter evolution.

6. Manectric

5. Leafeon
The third pokemon I trained up to level 100. My second favourite 4th gen pokemon.

4. Arcanine
This pokemon kicks ass in my pokemon leaf green game ( I traded it over from my mates fire red version)Its been one of my favourite for a looong time, and also it is a canine. <3

3. Altaria
The First pokemon I trained up to level 100 is this one <3 I also am jealous of its cloud wingss

2. Glaceon
My absolute favourit Eevee evolution. I have one named Frost (i know creative aye xD) on my Pokemon SS

1. Ninetales
My favourite Pokemon out of them all. I have one on my main team on like, every single one of my Pokemon games (Ruby, Pearl, Platinum, Soul Silver, Battle Revolution, Mystery Dungeon 1 and 2) xD

Honerable mentions: Suicune, Togekikss, Masquerain and Salamence. And Mightyena. And also Dratini evo line. And Eevee + Eeveelutions. Lol. Imma done nao

List your top ten least favorite pokemon (and why!)
I like all of the Pokemon, there are none I hate. But.. there are a few that are just 'wtf' to me, or just fall at the bottom of the liked-list. lol those being;

1. Probopass. I mean, WTF with the mustache?
2. Drapion. Don't like.
3. BLISSEY.ASDFGHJKL. I like its design though.
4. Spiritomb. Creeepy.
5. Um any other weird, annoying pokemon.

Favorite legendary? Least favorite?
Fave legenday. UM its out of Suicine, Jirachi, mew and Celebi.
Least Fave Legendary: I dont really like the Regis. :/

Favorite Pokemon by type

Normal: Delcatty
Fire: Ninetales Arcanine Vulpix Flareon Growlithe
Water: Lanturn/Vaporeon
Grass: Leafeon
Electric: Manectric/Joleton
Flying: Swellolw/Pidgeot
Ground: Flygon
Fighting: Blaziken
Ice: Glaceon
Ghost: Frosslass
Dragon: Altaria. Salamence. Then Dragonite. And Garchomp lol
Dark: Absol, Houndoom and Mightyena
Steel: Lucario, Skarmory
Bug: Masquerain. Butterfree
Rock: Tyranitar
Poison: Crobat
Psychic: Espeon+ Gradevoir

Friday, July 23, 2010

Its Meme...Well its not Monday...but its close.

Random Meme #49283523.333

I'm a Mammary gland. What is that?

You will be disturbed, like how I am right now. xD xD xD
I lol'd though.

[x] - You like cheese.

[x] - You hate peanuts.

[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.

[x] - You have farted today. xDDDD

[x] - You have choked on something.

[ ] - You are a writer.

[ ] - You smoke.

[x] - You like to swim. (Its OK I suppose)

[x] - You have farted more than once today. (ITS NORMAL OKKAAAAY)

[x] - You like ice cream. (I guess. I prefer Sorbet though)


[x] - You have lied more than 10 times. (I'm SORRY OK? lol.)

[ ] - You are an only child.

[ ] - You have more than 3 pets.

[x] - You prefer water to other drinks. (I'm used to it nao)

[ ] - You are an alcoholic. (Who, sweet innocent me??? jk)

[x] - You are under 20 years old.

[ ] - You are over 30 years old.

[ ] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. (NOT ANYMOAR)

[x] - You like jewelry.

[x] - Your favorite music genre is rock.


[ ] - You weigh more than 140 lbs.

[ ] - You like pirates.

[x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something. (Woop Woop POKEMANS. And IKUTO ftw)


[x] - You take a prescription drug every day.

[ ] - You have a job. (There are currently NO jobs available for teens down here. Trust me.)

[ ] - You live with your parents.


[ ] - You have a religion.

[ ] - You dress stranger than other people.


[ ] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks.

[x] - You have eaten something odd before. (I probably have in my life)

[x] - You are bad at math.

[x] - You love electronics.

[x] - Someone/something has pissed you off in the past week. (Yep. All. The. Time.)

[x] - You cuss a lot. (Ehe...@&*$#*!!!!)

[x] - You believe in aliens. (Not necessarily aliens...but out of ALL the planets in the entire freaking UNIVERSE, Earth can't possible be the only one with living things on it. That's just my theory anyway)

[x] - You play video games.

[x] - You have low self-esteem.

[x] - You carry a purse.


[x] - You like flowers.

[ ] - You are bisexual or homosexual

[ ] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio.

[ ] - You have used tarot before.

[x] - You believe in ghosts. (Kindaaa)

[ ] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome. (WTH is that?)

[ ] - You like ~Fotus9's horoscopes better than *An-Unsure-Thing's.

[ ] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny.

[ ] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right.

[ ] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight.


[x] - You like fire. (When its not burning you house down [or your toaster] then, sure, why not)

[x] - You have fainted or passed out before.

[ ] - You have a high school diploma.

[ ] - You live in America.

[ ] - You use hand sanitizer a lot. (It smells funky...)

[ ] - You consider yourself a nerd. (STEREOTYPES SUCK MA BA- Sylvia: AHEM! Angel: Soz)

[ ] - You have tried chewing tobacco.

[ ] - You are a conspiracy theorist.

[ ] - You sleep in the nude.

[x] - You will tag people to do this. (MWAHAHAHAAAAA)


[x] - You have imagined yourself being famous. (It's nice to dreeeeeam. But I wouldn't want to be thought)

[x] - You own a stuffed animal.

[x] - You like watermelon.

[ ] - You live in Europe.

[x] - You have a fetish for something.

[x] - You fidget a lot.

[x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything.

[x] - You won't re-post this quiz.

[x] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one. (No internetz though)

[ ] - You have a brother.


[] - You can cook well. (I set the TOASTER on fire. Nuff said)

[x] - You like to party. (FUN.)

[x] - You are a bad dancer. (Probably)

[ ] - You are a professional dancer.

[x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat. (ALL the time)

[x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy. (YAH coughHOLLYcough lol)

[x] - You have under 10 good, close friends.

[xxxxx] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz. (I wanna seeee)

[x] - You have run away from something.

[ ] - You have watched the movie: "X Men 3".


[x] - You like to mix soft drinks together.

[ ] - You have done an odd experiment.

[x] - People have stared at you oddly in public. (When I was in Sylvia Park and someone chucked my slushie away, I "fell" to my knees in a dramatic manner and shouted "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

[x] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive.

[ ] - You have a step-mom or dad.

[ ] - You hate to be tagged. (It gives me something to do)

[] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months.

[ ] - You have a dA subscription. (I wish)

[x] - Your hair is brown.

[ ] - You love to eat candy. (BAD CANDY BAD)


[x] - You have dressed up for Halloween.

[x] - You love cats.

[x] - You have a quirky personality. (Ish?)

[] - You are a coffee addict.

[] - You live near a body of water.

[x] - You have had a toothache.

[] - You currently have to go to the bathroom. (Suprisingly, no)

[x] - You like reading others' answers to "What would you do?".

[] - You use the term: "Epic Fail".


Find your score & re-post this titled as "I'm __, ______________". (Put your answer in the blank.)

0-25 = A spaceship.
26 = Corn.
27 = The Chosen One.
28 = A donkey.
29 = Flashlight.
30 = Weed.
31 = Stalker.
32 = Poodle.
33 = A turd.
34 = Pacifier.
35 = Chili.
36 = A continent.
37 = Bamboo.
38 = A Nissan Skyline.
39 = Pedophile.
40 = A rather large and smelly fish.
41 = Parachute.
42 = Mob of angry sheep.
43 = A clone of yourself.
44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler.
45 = Pincushion.
46 = Toilet seat.
47 = Ninja.
48 = Psycho passion fruit.
49 = Yellow snow.
50 = Flammable.
51 = A poison Easter basket.
52 = A dirty diaper.
53 = Mammary gland.
54 = A moose humping a guardrail.
55 = An illegal immigrant.
56 = Tofu.
57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz.
58 = Staple gun.
59 = Tail feather.
60 = A white rapper.
61 = A shotgun shell.
62 = Sexy as hell.
63 = A popcorn fart.
64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle.
65 = Fortune cookie.
66 = Barack Obama.
67 = Chinchilla.
68 = Weapon of mass destruction.
69 = An epic failure at everything.
70 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale.
71 = Naughty nymphomaniac.
72 = Bicycle tire.
73 = Sweat.
74 = The Bubonic Plague.
75 = Turkey.
76 = Amoeba.
77 = A lice-infected hobo.
78 = The ruler of all evil.
79 = Horny toad.
80 = Fairy Godmother.
81 = Tuba.
82 = Anorexic llama capillary.
83 = Moldy snot.
84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe.
85 = Doppelganger.
86 = Future porn star.
87 = Unnatural disaster.
88 = Statistical database.
89 = Genital lice.
90 = Rocket launcher.
91 = Ruby vomit.
92 = Maggot.
93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.
94 = Pudding.
95 = A gravy train.
96 = Santa Claus.
97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.
98 = Decaying insect corpse.
99 = Blood bank.
100 = Freak of nature and humanity.

10 Favourites
• Favourite Colour: Blue
• Favourite Food: Sweet food. Or Sushi.
• Favourite Band artist: Paramore
• Favourite Show: Idk.
• Favourite Sport: SHOPPING
• Favourite Season: Autumn
• Favourite Day Of the Week: Saturday.
• Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry plz
• Favourite Time of Day: Morning
• Favourite Activities: Drawing, Shopping, muuuusic

9 Currents
• Current Mood: Sleepy.
• Current Taste: Maple Syrup. I know. WTF.
• Current Clothes: Leather Jacket, Skinny Jeans, New York T shirt.
• Current Computer: Ummm...Windows XP??
• Current Finger/Toenail Colour: Purple Sparkly
• Current Time: 4:53 PM
• Current Surroundings: Lounge.
• Current Annoyance(s): Alannah
• Current Thought: What answer should I put here?

8 Firsts
• First Best Friend: Soley
• First crush this school year: NOT TELLING
• First Screen Name: I dunno, probably like yasmin4358749323 on Neopets or something when I was like 8
• First Pet: Sapphire my pet Cat
• First Piercing: NONE lol.
• First Thing You Did Today: Woke up
• First Thing You Ate: Cereal
• First school you went to: St Joes

7 Lasts
• Last Food Consumption: Maple Syrup on a piece of bread.
• Last Car Ride: Being driven home from the park.
• Last Text Message: Cya
• Last Movie Seen: Eclipse. Don't kill me.
• Last Item Bought: Pasta Salad
• Last CD Played: Paramore All we know is falling
• Last Website You Were On: Facebook.

6 Have You Evers
• Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Nope.
• Have You Ever Broken the Law: UMMM ( runs away)
• Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope
• Have You Ever Been on TV: My photo was on TV once...? Doesn't really count.
• Have You Ever Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: Nah.
• Have You Ever Sat On The Roof: No

5 Places You've Been To
• My House
• Soley's house
• School
• Mall
• Sylvia's house

4 Things
• You're Wearing: Jacket, Tshirt, Jeans, Nail Polish
• You Did Last Night: Excersied, Played Pokemon Ruby, Had a shower, texted a friend.
• What Can You Hear Right Now: My Dad chopping up something for dinner, cars outside, the computer whirring and my typing on the keyboard.
• You Can't Live Without: Friends. Family. And the internetz LOL.

3 People You Can Tell Anything To
• Soley
• Sylvia

2 Choices
• Black or White: black
• Hot or Cold: Hot

1 Love
• Drawing

Decided to take this challenge. Its a bit hard when your name begins with a Y

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have Fun!!

1. What is your name:

2. A four Letter Word:

3. A boy's Name:

4. A girl's Name:

5. An occupation:
...youth group...owner? (PFFFFFT)

6. A color:

7. Something you wear:
YELLOW tshirt (shot)

8. A food:

9. In the bathroom:
Yellow coloured SOAP

10. A place:

11. A reason for being late:
Yellow monsters where attacking me

12. Something you shout:

13. A movie title:
Year One (idk)

14. Something you drink:
Yogi Tea (googled it)

15. A musical group:
Youngbloods ( Never heard of them??)

Yeah, it kinda SUCKS when you have a name beginning with Y.
Usually the only things people associate the letter Y with are Yaks, Yachts, Yoghurt Yellow and...YMCA.

Oh and screw the "You cannot use any word twice" Rule. SCREW IIIIT!



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How much of my teenage life have I wasted???

Doing the following things:

Pulling an all-nighter to study for my maths exam, only to find out that it was NEXT Thursday.
That was after I spent approx 15 minutes running around the school in almost a complete panic trying to find the exam room. And then I learned the truth. i.e next Thursday.

Then finishing a three hour exam in TWO HOURS
only to find that the printer was jammed, and could not print out the finished products. All eleven of them (It was ICT)

Not only that, but I am now a single pringle ♥
I dumped him. Not the other way round, just so ya know

What else...oh yeah. I have three exams next week, Science, Enterprise Studies and (lol) maths. Joy.


On a more positive note, I get Friday off ♫♪

And now for a meme:

How much of your teenage life have you "messed up?"

[?] gotten kissed
[ ] gotten a phone taken away in class
[ ] gotten suspended
[x] gotten caught chewing gum
[x] gotten caught cheating on a test
Total So Far: 2.5

[ ] arrived late to class more than 5 times
[x] didn't do homework over 5 times
[x] turned at least 3 projects in late
[x] missed school just because you felt like it
[ ] laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
Total So Far: 5.5

[ ] got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school
[x] text people during class
[x] passed notes
[ ] threw stuff across the room
[x] laughed at the teacher
Total So Far: 8.5

[ ] been in a fight at school, fist or verbal
[x] took pictures during school hours
[ ] called someone during school hours
[x] listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
[x] skipped a class period
Total So Far: 11.5

[ ] threw something at the teacher
[x] went outside the classroom without permission
[x] broke the dress code
[ ] failed a class
[x] ate food during class
Total So Far: 14.5

[ ] gotten a call from school
[ ] couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly
[x] didn't take your stuff to school
[ ] given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
[x] curse during class/school
Total So Far: 16.5

[x] faked your parents signature
[x] slept in class
[ ] cursed at your teacher
[x] copied homework
[ ] got in trouble with the principal-the vice principal
Total So Far 19.5

Multiply by 3

Well I'm not really the rebellious kind...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm a borderline Rabbit going on Mental Patient...xD

What time is it? MEME TIME
Lets go!

[ ] - Dust scares you.
[ ] - Your mother had more than 2 children.
[ ] - You are a smoker.
[ ] - You drink a lot.
[x] - You like to write.
[ ] - You are religious.
[ ] - You like to burn candles.
[x] - You prefer juice or water over soda.
[x] - You have ridden a horse.


[ ] - You have done drugs.
[ ] - You are currently a drug addict.
[x] - You are very artistic.
[x] - You like stuffed animals.
[x] - You are attracted to shiny things.
[ ] - You have eaten a bug before.
[ ] - You love cars.
[ ] - Cats are your favorite animal.
[ ] - You hate animals.
[x] - You are spontaneous and random


[x] - You like fruit a lot.
[x] - You drive. (Learners LOL)
[x] - You make / made good grades in school.
[x] - You are going / are in / have been to college.
[x] - You like for things to be very clean.
[ ] - You are very messy.
[ ] - You love to eat.
[x] - Christmas is your favorite holiday.
[x] - You like the beach.
[ ] - You hate the color pink.


[ ] - You wear glasses or contacts.
[x] - You chat online a lot. (Well on Facebook and MSN to Ashley and Soley anyway)
[ ] - You always use correct grammar.
[ ] - You like to take quizzes.
[ ] - You eat out at restaurants more than you eat at home.
[ ] - You enjoy swimming.
[ ] - You have more than 5 pets.
[ ] - You have more than 10 pets.
[x] - You believe in ghosts. (Ish)
[ ] - You have seen a ghost.

[x] - You prefer comedy movies over romance movies.
[x] - You like dancing, either doing it yourself or watching.
[ ] - You have been to a strip club.
[ ] - You drink coffee in the morning. (EW)
[x] - You like to be awake at night.
[ ] - You don't go outside often
[x] - You love to read
[ ] - You believe in an afterlife of some kind.
[x] - You have had short hair.
[ ] - You know how to cook well.



0 - 1 = Mosquito.
2 - 3 = A weed.
4 - 5 = Daisy.
6 - 7 = Janitor.
8 - 9 = Goose.
10 - 11 = Rock.
12 - 13 = Fireman.
14 - 15 = Rose.
16 - 17 = Mouse.
18 - 19 = Cow.
20 - 21 = Rabbit.
22 - 23 = Mental Patient.
24 - 25 = Grass.
26 - 27 = Water.
28 - 29 = Bat.
30 - 31 = Hippo.
32 - 33 = Crocodile.
34 - 35 = Vampire.
36 - 37 = Horse.
38 - 39 = Hawk.
40 - 41 = Spider
42 - 43 = Flea.
44 - 45 = Princess or Prince.
46 - 47 = President

I tag Sylvia! >8D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



My to-do list

♥Draw all my friends as manga/anime characters and colour them on the computer.
♥Complete Art Hmwrk...
♥Do exam study...

I better get started then! Oh wait, whats this? :

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well Its been awhile.

And I have been doing NOTHING/

And Sylvia, have fun searching through all my deviant art friends.

I'm kidding.
I think.


I just wanted to say that I'm still alive.

Apart from the fact I will be killed for my poor attempt at creative writing.

Something happened to me that week.

It was like...excruciatingly bad writers block.

My writing sounded all...
Overly forced or something.
It didn't sound natural.

And it wasn't rhythmical like my usual writing style.

It wasn't me.



JUST what I needed.



Thursday, June 10, 2010

I tag Sylvia

1. Spell your name without E, R, S, H, K, I, M, L, C, A, Y, N:
Wish I could...

2. Are you single?

3. What is your favourite number?
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 etc.

4. What is your favourite colour?
Pink + Blue

5. Least favourite color?

6. What are you listening to?
Hamster on a piano. Youtube it.

7. Are you happy with your life right now?
I suppose so.

8. Are you involved with anyone?

9. What is your favourite subject in school/college?
Art and ICT

10. Do you shop at Abercrombie?
Wtf is that?

11. Do you have money?

14. Are you gay?

15. Where do you wish you were right now?

16. What should you be doing right now?
I should be at school. Ehe.

The cans:

Can you blow a bubble?
With gum: Small ones
Soap: OMG yes, that is so fun!
spit: Gross.
Anything else? Idk.

Can you do a cart wheel?
Oops. No.

Can you touch your toes?
Yes, without bending my legs. I can also put my palms flat on the ground without bending my legs aha.

Can you wiggle your ears?
*Tries and fails*

Can you touch your tongue to your nose?


Did you ever want to be a doctor?

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?

Did you ever want to be a teacher?
Nope. Oh wait...I might've

Did you ever break the law?


Do you like roller coasters?

Do you own a bike?
Yes. I don;t know anyone who DOESN'T own a bike.

Do you play the lotto?

Do you like football?
American football? No
Aussie footy? No
Soccer? Not really. It's okaaay.

Do you have a shopping addiction?


Does your family have family picnics?

Does your wallet have any pics in it?


Last person you hung out with?

Last car ride?
Yesterday. To Math tuition. aha.

Last text message from?

Last baby you held?
I can't remember really.

What was the last thing you bought?
The new GF magazine.

What was the last thing you had to drink?

What was the last thing you watched?
NCIS. Well, part of it anyways.

What was the last thing you read?
Cherub Series: Class A

What was the last thing you hand wrote?
Math Homework. Last night.


Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Probable Alannah

Who do you miss right now?

Who last messaged you on facebook?


What color shirt are you wearing?

Have you got any piercings?

Straight hair or curly?
Naturally Straight.


Failed a class?
I failed a math test...

Accomplished a life goal?

Sang in front of a crowd?

Bed, Computer, Stereo, DS, Manga...light switch..>?


1. Want a relationship?
I am in one.

2. Want to get married?

Hamster on a piano

When was the last time you really laughed?
Just then.

Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
Ewww, milk!

Who knows a big secret about you?

How long is your hair?
Up to my boobz ahaha

When was the last time you sang out loud?
Just then. It was Hamster on a piano.

What did you have for breakfast?

Is your birthday on a holiday?

What instant messaging service do you use?
MSN plz

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Sylvia: My tinier me character looks epic as hec now! Thankyou!

I am stiiiilll spazzing btw.



I am feeling not 100% at the moment.

But noooo!!!
I have to be well for school because of that STUPID FREAKING PAINTING I NEED TO FINISH!

asdfghjkl x10000000000

Yeah. Who cares if I'm writing about random ass crap.
Well, except maybe the odd random.

Aka Sylviaaaaa~

Sunday, June 6, 2010






Only Sylvia knows.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So unfortunately the school wasn't flooded...+meme


Oh well :D


Question 1

Which type of Pokemon is your fave?
Fire, electric and dragon.

Question 2
Which three starters are best?
Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile FTW

Question 3
Which games do you have?
Mystery Dungeon Red
Mystery Dungeon Explorers of time
Battle Revolution
I also had Sapphire but I lost it...D:

Question 4
In the games, which gender do you normally choose?
Female :)

Question 5
Do you watch the anime?
I havn't seen all the episodes...

Question 6
How many seen in the pokedex of your latest game?
I can't remember...

Question 7
And how many caught in that pokedex?

Question 8
Do you even like Pokemon?
Yah. Since I was like 4!

Question 9
Do you collect the Trading Cards?
Kinda. I just usually get them if the packet image is pretty xD

Question 10
If you have the Trading Cards, do you play the game or just collect?
Collect. Then put them in a folder and look at them haha

Question 11
Do you have an account on Bulbapedia?
I don't think so...I might though.

Question 12 (Only if you said yes on question 11)
What is your username there?

Question 13
Do you have a lot of Pokemon pics/stories faved?

Question 14
Do you draw Pokemon?
Yes. Quite often actually.

Question 15
Do you write about Pokemon?
When I was like 10 or so.

Question 16 (Only if you said yes on 14 or 15)
Are your stories/drawings faved?

Question 17
What is your favorite Pokemon?
Eeveelutions, Vulpix line, Growlithe line, Houndour line. Delcatty. Altaria. AND HEEEEAAAPS MOAR

Question 18
And your second favorite?
I quite like Furrets design.

Question 19
What is your favorite legendary?
Suicune and Articuno. And Jirachi. And Mew. And and...

Question 20
And your second favorite legendary?
Celebi, Shaymin.

Question 21
Do you know what 493 is in the National Pokedex?

Question 22
What is it?

Question 23
Would you rather have a Meowth or a Growlithe?
Growlithe. By far. No offence Meowth.

Question 24
How many of your relatives like Pokemon?

Question 25
How often do you think about Pokemon?
Everytime I go on the net or pick up my DS

Question 26
Do you keep the fact you like Pokemon from your real life friends?
Nope. They like it too MWAHAAH

Question 27
What pets do you have that resemble Pokemon?
My pet cat Sapphire who highly resembles a Skitty, as she is...well, Skitterish.

Question 28
What Pokemon do you hate most?
I.E.: Bronzong! And I hat battling Blissey and Shuckle. DIE YOU FREAKS!!!

Question 29
Which eeveelution do you like best?

Question 30
Which Castform form is best?
The Ice one c:

Question 31
Which Deoxys forme is best?

Question 32
Which Giratina forme is best?
The 2nd one you get in platinium. Forgot what its called.

Question 33
Skymin or Shaymin?
I like both!

Question 34
Phione or Manaphy?

Question 35
Darkrai or Cresselia?
Cresselia? I like them both kind of. Ehe.

Question 36
Gardevoir or Gallade?

Question 37
Glalie or Froslass?
Froslass plz.

Question 38
Magmortar or Electivire?
I don't like either. No offence to them and the creators...

Question 39
Chatot or Farfetch’d?
BOTH *hugs*

Question 40
Pidgey, Spearow, Tailow or Starly?
Tailow. It was the first GOOD pokemon I caught.

Question 41
Latios or Latias?
Latias, but I like them both.

Question 42
Kyogre or Groudon?

Question 43
Dialga or Palkia?

Question 44
Azelf, Mesprit or Uxie?
Azelf ish cute.

Question 45
Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres?
Articuno all the way! Although I did catch Zapdos with a great ball ahaah.

Question 46
Mew or Mewtwo?
Mew. Tis cuter.

Question 47
Lugia or Ho-Oh?
Lugia :D

Question 48
Entei, Suicune or Raikou?
Suicune! One of my fave pokemans

Question 49
Celebi or Jirachi?
Jirachi. But Celebi come preeety close behind!

Wow, theres like, water all over the streets!

Wow. So my towns is kinda flooded.

Its exciting.

And nerve wrecking.

People are getting evacuated from their houses.

We couldn't even drive down certain streets...D:

Please let school be cancelledPlease let school be cancelledPlease let school be cancelledPlease let school be cancelled...

Luckily we're safe though. Just.
Our garden's pretty submerged though.
Well. Muddy at the least.

Cuz its right next to the swamp pretty much.

List of things I will do:

Try to go to Soley's house.
Draw stuff.
Create a comic.
Do some baking.
...Maths revision...not.
Go on Deviantart.
Take some photos of the floods and post them here.
Make a collage of random shit.
Do some more procrastinating

Yeah. My creative juices needs to be flowing....

I'm sorry.
I'm feeling Hyper-Active.
It must be those cornthins.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I would like to take a short moment to say a Happy Birthday to Sylvia
Fantastic Fifteen, right ;D

You may have to go onto Deviantart to look at it:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

For my friend for E.Studies...

What is the business name, type, structure, size and Location?

Name: Whitcoulls
Location: The Strand Whakatane
They specify in selling books and are also stationary retailers.
Employ 3 full time workers, in which work approx. 40 hours per week.
They have 2 part-time workers, and 1 casual worker.
They operate 9 hours Monday-Friday, 7 hours Saturday and 5 hours on Sundays.
Organizational Structure: Store Manager, Senior Sales Assistant, Assistant Manager, 3 Sales Assistants.

How do you advertise for potential employees?

They first state who they wish to employ, e.g., Senior Manager Etc.
They often advertise in newspapers, clarifying what job positions need to be filled.
In the previous years, Whitcoulls had online applications forms, but have since decided to discontinue this. They will have specified to the potential candidates what line of business they are in.

How the business conducts job analysis.

They have the same jobs that the all the other Whitcoulls stores have.

What is the offer and acceptance process?

Whitcoulls sends out letters to the preferred candidate. They do not offer trials, unless it is stated in the contract, how much time they are to work. Some employees work over a limited time, such as in holidays i.e., over Christmas, Easter.

How does the business determine the person specification necessary for the position?

The employer prefers people who have experience. They also talk to the potential candidate over the phone. This is to see if they have the correct manners/phone etiquette, and good communication skills. After they have narrowed the applicant count, they call the potential employee (after checking C.V) for an interview. The manager says that she judges the people based on their body-language and confidence.

What is the induction process?

The induction process can last for up to 3 months, while new employees begin to understand their work environment. They are shown where things are, how to operate the till, the company expectations, dress code and other things they will encounter. Also other things that are unique to the business are, for example, how to use rewards vouchers.

Monday, May 24, 2010


For english.

Saving on here for backup:

Juno is a film, directed by Jason Reitman, about a sixteen-year-old pregnant girl, and the ups and down she faces whilst so. I found the character of Juno to be an admirable one, as she is courageous, an idealist and is true to herself which is shown through many effective film techniques.

Juno was admirable as she was a very courageous teenage girl, especially because of the fact that she decided against having an abortion. This was shown through the technique of dialogue and the quote: “…it has fingernails.” When Juno says this, she realises that the baby was a living, developing thing, and she could not bring herself to terminate it. Juno saw deeper than just the fact that she was a pregnant teen and was “screwed” and puts the baby’s life before her own, which I can see as a courageous feat for a pregnant girl her age, which I find admirable.

Juno is also a quirky, true to herself kind of person, which is another admirable trait.
This is shown through the use of costume and props; Juno doesn’t dress like other teens, she prefers to wear whatever is comfortable i.e baggy jeans and a warm sweater; and doesn’t follow the trends. This is an admirable quality as it shows us that she is original, and doesn’t feel the pressure to fit into stereotypical groups, which is difficult for teenagers in today’s society. Juno shows us that you can actually be happy without having to feel the need to be accepted by anyone but yourself, which I find to be an extremely admirable quality.